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Use Logs UI

Use our Logs UI at one.newrelic.com or our EU region data center (if applicable) at one.eu.newrelic.com to:

  • Spot interesting or significant patterns in your logs.
  • Examine more context around a particular log line.
  • Explore and manipulate your logging data with filters and parsing rules.
  • Query and share the data with charts, add to dashboards, etc.
  • Organize your account's log data, and optimize query performance with data partitions.
  • Set up alert conditions for problems you want to prevent.

To stay up to date with new capabilities and improvements, subscribe to our RSS feed for Logs release notes.

Screenshot of Logs UI with details

one.newrelic.com > Logs: To explore and manage your logs, use the left nav. To view detailed information, click any log line.

Explore your log data

Use the left nav in the Logs UI as an easy workflow through all logs, attributes, patterns, live-tail logging, and queries. Manage your log data by dropping or parsing data, creating data partitions, and setting up alerts. Hash or mask any sensitive data in your logs with obfuscation expressions and rules. Get more details about specific logs and their attributes from the center nav.

To explore your logging data, follow this basic workflow.

Save your views

You can save your logs query, table configuration, time range, and attribute grouping in a saved view, so that you can quickly return to it later. To save a log analytics view after you've configured the view:

  1. Click Saved views in the Logs UI left nav, then click Save current view.
  2. Give your saved view the name you want for it to be listed in the Saved views list.
  3. Select which aspects from the current view you want to save.
  4. Select the permission level if you want others to view or edit, then save this view.


Here are a few examples of how you can use the Logs UI to get detailed information.

Depending on your New Relic subscription, you can access your logs from several places in the New Relic UI. For some of these options, you must be able to see logs in context.


Let your app's APM agent forward log data directly to New Relic with APM logs in context. No need to install or maintain additional third-party software!

To view logs...

Do this...

Directly from the Logs UI

From your app in APM

Go to one.newrelic.com > APM, select an app, then use any of these options:

  • Triage > Logs
  • Triage > Errors inbox > (select an error) > Logs
  • Events > Errors > (select an error) > See logs

From distributed tracing

Go to one.newrelic.com > APM > (select an app) > Distributed tracing > (select a trace) > Logs.

From a host in your infrastructure

Go to one.newrelic.com > Explorer or Infrastructure > Hosts > (select a host) > Logs.

From Kubernetes

Go to one.newrelic.com > Explorer > Kubernetes cluster explorer > (select a cluster) > (select a pod or container) > See logs.

From an entity

Go to one.newrelic.com > Explorer > (select an entity) > Logs.

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