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Performance monitoring with CodeStream

It's important to know how your code is performing in production and whether or not it's generating errors. To help you with this, New Relic CodeStream brings performance monitoring right into your IDE.

Connect CodeStream and New Relic One

In order to get the most out of New Relic CodeStream, connect CodeStream to New Relic One via your New Relic user key. Once done, for entities you're monitoring with New Relic One, you'll see your errors directly in CodeStream.

A screenshot of the unconnected observability section where you add your New Relic user key.

Before you can start seeing errors in your IDE and take advantage of other New Relic and CodeStream features, you'll need to enter your New Relic user key.

Go here to get or create your New Relic user key.

Once you have your user key, in Observability click Connect to New Relic One, then paste your user key and click Connect.

Monitor code-level metrics

CodeStream's code-level metrics give you detailed insight into how your code is performing.

A screenshot of a Python method with average duration, throughput, and error rate telemetry.

When relevant, CodeStream's code-level metrics are shown in text directly above your Python methods, called a CodeLens.


Code-level metrics are only available for Python code and supported Python frameworks. These metrics are shown via CodeLens text, a line of text inserted above your instrumented method.

Your Python application code also needs to be monitored by the Python APM agent and your repository associated with a New Relic service.

Click the CodeLens text to see related charts.

A screenshot of an expanded code-level metrics CodeLens that shows related charts.

Click the entity name at the top of the charts to jump to this data in New Relic One.

Code-level metrics focus on your "golden metrics" for the last 30 minutes. These metrics are: latency, traffic, errors, and saturation.

The related charts include some standard fields:

  • The name of the method being monitored.
  • Entity: A dropdown that switches between what's being monitored, for example methods in development or production repositories.
  • Repo: Your current repository.
  • File: The file that contains the method.

Enable code-level metrics

If you've enabled CodeStream and are monitoring entities in New Relic, but you haven't associated your current repository with New Relic, your IDE shows a CodeLens at the top of your open file.

Follow these steps to add code-level metrics to your repository:

  1. Click the CodeLens at the top of your file.
  2. In the CodeStream pane, click the Select entity dropdown, and then select the appropriate entity.
  3. Click Associate.

If you don't want to be prompted for this in future, click the Don't show checkbox.

Change your CodeLens format

You can use your IDE's settings to change how your CodeLens messages are shown:

  • In VS Code, go to Settings, and search for "codestream".
  • In JetBrains, go to Preferences/Settings > Tools > CodeStream
  • In Visual Studio, go to Tools > Options > CodeStream.

The default CodeLens format is:

avg duration: ${averageDuration} | throughput: ${throughput} | error rate: ${errorsPerMinute} - since ${since}

Disable CodeLens

In your IDE settings, you can turn CodeLens off altogether or only for code-level metrics. To do this, uncheck the CodeStream: Show Golden Signals In Editor setting.

Discover errors on New Relic One

Once you've connected CodeStream to your New Relic One account, and you've created one or more workloads with errors inbox on New Relic One, use Open in IDE to see APM errors with stack traces directly in your IDE.

A screenshot of a stack trace error in errors inbox with the "Open in IDE button."

Once connected, all of your collaboration work in CodeStream (such as the discussion, assignee, and error status) syncs with New Relic One, where you can continue to collaborate.

Error on New Relic One

A typical collaboration session could include developers commenting on code in their IDEs, a DevOps engineer assigning errors in errors inbox, and a development manager following along in Slack. By meeting people in the tools they're already using, New Relic CodeStream shortens the amount of time between error discovery and error resolution.

For a look at using CodeStream to discover errors, watch this short YouTube video (approx. 2:27 minutes).

Discover errors via CodeStream

In addition to errors inbox, discover errors in your IDE in the CodeStream observability section. See recent errors in your repos, and any specific errors assigned to you.

A screenshot of the observability section showing recent errors and errors assigned to you.

Once you've connected New Relic to CodeStream, you'll see observed errors directly in CodeStream.

These sections help you and your team manage and see your errors in different ways:

  • Errors assigned to me: If an error has been assigned to you, you'll see it here.
  • Recent errors in: Each repository you have open in your IDE will have its own grouping of errors. If your repository URL is mapped to more than one entity you're observing in New Relic, a dropdown lets you filter by entity.
  • Select entity from New Relic: Use this to connect a repository in your IDE with an entity you're observing with New Relic.


If your project isn't monitored by New Relic, you can use CodeStream to get that started.

In the CodeStream extension, in the Observability section, click the gear icon, and then click Instrument my App. Follow the instructions to instrument your code.

Error details

No matter how you've arrived at an error in your IDE, CodeStream presents all of the error's details, including the stack trace, and you can collaborate with your teammates to resolve the error.

An animated image that shows someone commenting on a line of code associated with an error.

Navigate the stack trace to investigate the issue.

Click any frame in the stack trace to jump straight to the corresponding file and line number in your IDE. As you navigate the stack trace, if you come across code that seems like the source of your problem, select it and click the comment icon to start collaborating.

Collaborate with CodeStream

With CodeStream open, once you've identified the problematic code, select it in your editor and click the comment icon that appears next to it in the CodeStream pane. CodeStream automatically mentions the most recent person to touch the code related to the error, making it easy for you to bring the right people into the discussion.

A screenshot of a comment with the most recent code contributor automatically added.

Select code in your editor to add a comment.

  • Once you've identified the problem you can assign the error, either to an existing teammate on CodeStream or to a person suggested based on the repository's Git commit history.
  • You can update the error status from unresolved to resolved or ignored.

Use build SHAs or release tags with CodeStream

You may see this warning if there's no git reference, either a build SHA or release tag, associated with a specific error. CodeStream uses the git reference to match the specific stack trace error with the version of the code running in the environment that triggered the error.

A screenshot of the git reference not configured warning message.

The git reference not configured warning message reads: Assocaite a build SHA or release tag with your errors so that CodeStream can help make sure you're looking at the right version of the code.

To configure a git reference set the environment variables for your APM agent.

Even without the git reference configured, you can still investigate the error, but you may not be looking at the version of the code that caused it.

A screenshot of the git reference not found warning message.

The git reference not found warning message reads: Your version of the code doesn't match the environment that triggered the error. Fetch the following reference to better investigate the error.

If you do have git references configured, but the version of the code you're on locally doesn't contain that reference, CodeStream will let you know so that you can more effectively investigate and resolve the error.

CodeStream will also let you know if the error doesn't have a stack trace associated with it. This happens with older errors when the stack trace has aged out on New Relic One.

Other collaboration tools

In an error discussion, use the ... More actions dropdown to share the discussion on Slack or Microsoft Teams.

Associate your repository

All of the repositories you currently have open in your IDE are listed in the select a repo dropdown. If there's no repository associated with CodeStream when you click Open in IDE on an error, CodeStream prompts you to do so.

If you don't see the repository you want listed, open it in your IDE and it will automatically get added to the list. If you're working with a fork, make sure you select the upstream remote.

To avoid having to do this manual association every time you open an error, you can make these associations via your APM agent's environment variables.

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