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Install Auto-telemetry with Pixie

To get up and running with Auto-telemetry with Pixie, you start with our guided installation. The guided installation deploys Pixie with New Relic's Kubernetes integration on your cluster. You don't need to do any further configuration or installation to start using Pixie.

If you want to install Auto-telemetry with Pixie on multiple clusters, re-run the guided install for each additional cluster.

General prerequisites for using Pixie

Ready to get started? If you don't already have one, sign up for a New Relic account. It's free, forever!

Tips before getting started:

Setup steps depend on your account status

Use the following table to find out where to start installing Auto-telemetry with Pixie. Where you start the installation depends on whether you already have a New Relic or Pixie account, or both.

New Relic


Next steps

Start the guided install at the beginning of the process.

If you already have both types of accounts, and used the same email address for each of them, click the New Relic icon in the Pixie UI. This brings you to the Configure the HELM command/manifest (yaml) file section of the guided installation. Then, follow the steps.

If you're using different email addresses in Pixie and New Relic, create a new account for either Pixie or New Relic to match email addresses across both products. You can also contact New Relic support to manually link your existing New Relic account with your Pixie account.

If you follow a link to New Relic from the Pixie UI and do not have a New Relic account, you must first create one. Click the New Relic icon in the Pixie UI, and follow the steps to create a New Relic account. When you do so, your Pixie account is linked to it. Then, continue the guided install process with these steps.

Sign up for a free New Relic account. Then, start the guided install at the beginning of the process.

Install from the beginning of the guided install process

  1. Open our New Relic One guided install.
  2. Select the account you want to use for the guided install, and click Continue. Note: if you have a single account, you won't see this option.
  3. Select Kubernetes and then continue with step one in the next section.

Install from the Configure the HELM command/manifest (yaml) file

If you arrived in the guided installation process by following a link from Pixie or from within New Relic, your steps begin here.

  1. Select the account and cluster for the install. If needed, select a namespace.


    Currently, Pixie performs best on clusters with up to 100 nodes (exceeding 100 nodes can lead to excessive memory usage and scripts failing to run). Friendly reminder: autoscaling can quickly drive up your node numbers.

  2. Click Continue.

  3. Select the data you want to gather, observe, and debug, and click Continue.

  4. On the Choose install method page, select either Helm or manifest.

  5. Click Continue to open the Listening for data page.

  6. When you get the message, See your data, click Kubernetes Cluster Explorer to see your cluster.

    Auto-telemetry with Pixie might restart after installation. This is caused by the auto update feature.

Contact support to unlink a Pixie account from your New Relic account. Be aware that if you unlink a Pixie account that was created automatically through the guided install, you'll lose access to that Pixie account.

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